Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Home genetic testing offers promise and controversy

Here is an interesting article on the pros and cons of at-home DNA testing..

Dawn of home genetic testing offers promise and controversy

You no longer need a doctor or genetic counselor to test your risk of developing certain diseases that run in families, such as breast cancer or Alzheimer's. Now you can send your DNA directly to companies that will have it tested for you....

Thanks Sachi Fujimori for an insight into at-home DNA-testing.

Genetic Testing sitting in your home..

Hi all,
Here I found an article that talks about mail-in genetic testing and wether you really want to know ?'Thanks Sandra for presenting your views on mail in dna testing. Personally, I feel that people have a right to know about their genetic make up if there are resources available that would provide the information.

Genetic Testing Through The Mail
Results Can Shock And Misinform
July 11, 2006 By SANDRA G. BOODMAN, Washington Post

Imagine being able to order a genetic test over the Internet - to see if you have inherited a predisposition to cancer or whether there might be a genetic component to your infertility - without having to get approval from your doctor, consult a genetic counselor or risk the fallout that might result from filing an insurance claim...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

DNA Testing - a modern marvel!

Hi everyone,
DNA testing is one of the hottest in new technologies that have revolutionised the health industry.
I look forward to bring you the latest news and updates in the world of DNA testing..
Talk to you soon..